Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The River Walk, Bourbon after dark, and simply not being able to walk another step

We made the walk back to the car where I was able to drop off my purchases for the day. Across the lot from us was a mall so we made a quit pit stop, and then crossed on over to the River Walk. The Mississippi is truly a sight to see. I love it. It’s huge. Filled with barges, it just reminds me of a much simpler life. The sun was setting across the river as we walked toward The Natchez steam boat and then passed it to cut across by the trolley stop and head over to the auditorium like area across the street from Jackson Square.  As we walked along Decatur headed to Governor Nicholls Street, we found a fountain set back behind the shops. We stopped for some….interesting photos, and then followed Governor Nicholls Street up to Royal and the LaLaurie Mansion. 

The sign for LaLaurie has been removed from the home, but a tour group was outside the house making it easy to pick out. Though it looks very similar to other buildings in the area, it is considered to be the most haunted, and most infamous home in New Orleans. This was the home of Delphine LaLaurie, a woman who was said to have tortured and murdered many slaves.  (For info on Lalaurie: http://www.nola.com/lalaurie/history/chronology.html)

From there it was up to Bourbon Street. Bourbon Street at night is totally different than Bourbon Street during the day. Though I love to visit, if I lived in New Orleans, it would not be anywhere on Bourbon Street. (I’d prefer the Garden District.)

We ran into 4 gentlemen from Texas who offered to take our picture for us under the Bourbon and Orleans Street signs. We then took theirs for them and then Wendy and I took pictures with them. They too signed my shirt. From there we headed to Channing Tatum’s Saints and Sinners for dinner.

I went for the raw oysters, or sea boogers as Kelli called them --- but yes she did successfully eat one, followed by a platter of crawfish, or sea insects as Kelli called those – but yes, successfully ate one of those too. Two Cajun sinner drinks later and I was pretty happy! 

When the waiter brought out a piece of red velvet cake and they all sang happy birthday to me, it was hard not to let the tears get the best of me again. 

After dinner, we headed back out to Bourbon Street. We met some interesting people with very few clothes on. I gave my leftovers to a young man who was thrilled to have some fresh crawfish – and with crawfish in season they were so fresh, definitely the best I ever had! 

Even with all the people, and the craziness that goes on around you, there is just something about New Orleans I love.  It’s such a different word. Crazy doesn’t seem crazy. It’s pretty normal there actually. The weather was beautiful and walking along the darkened roads, I felt totally safe and at home. 

Our final stop for the night was back to CafĂ© du Monde for beignets and coffee. We really had hoped to hold out longer, but after getting up at 3:00 in the morning, and all the fresh air, walking, and a bit more booze than what we were used to, we were all pretty tuckered out. 

We made it back to Lucie’s place, Lucie gave Wendy and I here room to crash in while she and Kelli sat up on the couch talking for a while. 

It was about midnight when I finally fell asleep.

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