Saturday, February 21, 2015

Post surgery Update

The best way to go about this is going to be chronologically.

 We got to the hospital at 6 and by 7:00 I was in getting the guide wires inserted into my breast to direct the surgeon what to remove. This was followed by an ultrasound to ensure they were in the proper location and to inject the radioactive dye to travel to the lymph nodes. At that time the radiologist said something that threw me off. She said they generally didn’t do lumpectomies for such a large area, it was usually a mastectomy. Before I had a chance to ask what she meant, she was gone. I had been told by the surgeon that a lumpectomy would be fine and that there wasn’t any benefit to a mastectomy, so I wondered if it was just one of those difference of opinions with doctors. But things were going pretty fast and as soon as I got back to my room, they were ready to put my IV in and away we went to the OR. 

My surgeon had told me there would be 2 one inch incisions. My family knew what was going on before I did since I was in recovery when they told them. 

I learned later the doctor only made one incision. A four inch long one. He told mike he was very aggressive with what he took. He also took two lymph nodes, which we will know more about on Monday or Tuesday. I have to wonder if the reason for the change in surgical approach and the radiologists comment was because the mass had grown in the past month. Won’t know until I talk to the doctor next week.

Thursday when I came home I was feeling ok. Tender but ok. By Friday, I wasn’t feeling great. I had a terrible headache, lot of pain, nausea and then a fever on top of it. The doctor prescribed a new pain med and something for nausea. 

Today I’ve been able to keep some food down but have no appetite. Still in a whole lot of pain and the headache is still there.  And now I’m going back to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. I've been sitting here. actually laying here stretched out on the bed, after reading this letting it all soak in. I lost my internet the greater part of last week and then had to deal with some major issues with the company I invent for so I had not gotten to read the last few posts of yours.
    What always comes through Kerri is your courage and sass. Your passion and humor, and that is what will get you through this. But I know your pain is so very real and it breaks my heart to see you having to deal with this.
    I appreciate your keeping all of us connected and enlightened on your journey. Most of us will have no clue of the day to day hardness unless we live it ourselves so I am grateful you have kept everyone close.
    Please know that myself and I'm sure all your friends and family are sending you their love and energy on a daily basis.
    Sleep, keep fluids down, watch the fever and eat chocolate.
