Sunday, December 18, 2016

New beginnings

Been a while since I’ve updated…Again.

Lots of changes have been going on.

I went through a bit of a scare, having massive pain in my left chest wall. Several tests later and the best the doctors can come up with is severe damage to the chest wall, mainly due to the infection. It’s probably a large part of the reason I’m still having such issues with my arm. The arm is better, but only about 70% over all. I’m ending my physical therapy as there isn’t much I can do there that I can’t do on my own and beginning of the year, the insurance resets. Still trying to pay off the medical bills for this year (Finally got last year paid off) and I don’t want to go into this year adding thousands more to it. I’ll work my arm myself and hope that someday I’ll get a little bit more of it back.

I’m still not working, still taking some time to deal with things. The holidays are far rougher this year and I miss mom and dad every day. My son also just lost his great grandmother, who had moved into the same facility my parents had been at. 

For those who don’t know Quantico, he’s my cat.  I found him as a little tiny baby living in my in-laws garage. He’s diabetic and in October we celebrated his 17th birthday. He’s getting old. He’s losing weight. His face just looks tired. He is also well past his life expectancy. I don’t think I have much time left with him either. I’m hoping he will hold out for a little bit longer. 

The so called “friend” who lived with us has moved out, which is for the best. When we told her we were going to have to raise her rent a little bit (to $400 a month which included all utilities) she decided we were too mean to her and moved out, with virtually no notice. One thing is for sure, I have learned my lesson.  The first time she lived with me she left me with a $700 phone bill.  The second time we had to rip out the rug from her room and put in a new floor AND spent hundreds of dollars trying to get the dog pee smell out of the concrete flooring in the basement. This time, we have to repaint the bathroom (painted immediately before she moved in FOR her) because she splattered hair dye all over it. We also need to replace the toilet seat for the same reason and had to deal with a nasty mold problem because apparently she didn’t clean the vast majority of her bathroom for a year and a half.  Every time I have helped her out, giving her a place to live with extremely affordable rent, she has screwed me over. 

I should have asked her to leave a long time ago, but frankly, one thing I have realized lately is most of 2015 and almost half of 2016 is a complete blur to me. There are some things I have a very vague memory of, some things I have virtually no memory of, and some of the things I do remember, I would like to think that if I hadn’t have been ill, I never would have tolerated them, though many of the things were actually related to my illness as well. These memory gaps are due to all the meds I was on including potent antibiotic and a whole lot of pain meds.

A while ago, the former husband of this ex-friend lived with us. When he was here he always paid his rent on time, he also helped out with utilities besides the rent he paid, he helped out with food and cooking and yardwork. He was a part of the family, he associated with us. We had the totally opposite experience with her. To the point where we barely even used our own downstairs living room because she was so into being separate from us. Silly, stupid things like we would be watching a show upstairs, and completely oblivious to the extra electricity being used, she would watch the exact same show downstairs at the same time. But hey, the electric bill wasn’t in her name, so what did she care. Now that she’s gone, our November electric bill was $70 LESS than what it had been in 2015.  
I can now do laundry when I want to, and not have to wait hours, or be woke up at 5 in the morning on a weekend because someone decided that’s when they suddenly had to do theirs. The inconsiderate nature has always been there, and I kept putting up with it.

When I planned my surgeries, I was told she would be there at the hospital, but then a few days before she would always change her mind. She did absolutely NOTHING to be helpful. No rides to doctor appointments, no running errands, no helping out around the house, nothing. She never once even offered. Though I had plenty of other people, some I barely knew, gladly offer to do those things. She constantly referred to someone else (someone who hasn’t talked to her in years) as her best friend, and then got offended when I actually did find someone who knew how to be a best friend. Someone who did come to be with me when I had a surgery, even though he had to take off work and fly 1500 miles each way to do it.  Someone who checked in on me every single day.  This “boarder” lived in my house and days, sometimes weeks would go by without a single word from her.
When her mother had passed away, I was the one who helped her pack up her mother’s apartment. I was the one who helped make boards for the memorial service, I was the one who sat by her and held her hand during the funeral.

When my father was dying in the hospital, I asked her if she was going to come, she said only if I thought it would make him die faster. When mom died, she was no where to be seen to help pack things up. (Thankfully I do have wonderful friends that were there to help.) She did show at mom’s funeral, but didn’t stay for the whole thing, and of course didn’t sit anywhere near me. She was simply NEVER there for me the way I had been there for her. 

So yes, I’m far better off without this in my life, but I need to get over being angry at myself for ever putting up with it in the first place. I never deserved to be treated so poorly by her, and yet I put up with it. This same person has lived 8 places in the past 10 years, most of them in someone’s basement and all but one person (her grandmother) had the same experiences with her.  I’m glad she’s out of our lives and I know that there is no way in hell I will ever allow her back in again.  Writing about it helps get it out. Besides, if you don’t want people to talk about the way you treat them like shit, here’s an idea, don’t treat people like shit. It’s that simple. If you want people to say you are a kind, compassionate, helpful person – BE one. That’s all there is to it.

I had a productive NANOWRIMO. I completed my goal and almost completed my project. Taking a little time off that to get ready for the holidays but plan on finishing it soon and finish off a proposal I’ve been working on as well. Will be putting a lot more time into writing once the new year starts and things are more back to normal around here. 

I’m working on some big plans for the new year, so here’s to hoping things stay calm for a while, so I can work on them! Also planning some fun events and outings. Really looking forward to a "normal" life again.

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