Sunday, February 16, 2020

Learning to walk again

Using cannabis has had many side effects for me.

Learning how to walk again has been one of the most unexpected.

For years, my aching fusing back was tight. A tight back, led to a tight pelvis, which then locked up my hip joints as well. Walking was difficult. It was stiff and confined. My body couldn't fully move the way it was designed to move, and so walking was also not being done the way my body was designed to do it.

When our bodies aren't moving the way they are designed too, they end up with premature wear and tear in unsuspecting places, which then leads to more issues involving more stiffness and pain, which leads to more damage again. Compensation pain can be worse than the original pain. It's a vicious cycle.

But cannabis has helped me to break it.

My body had been so stiff for so long, I had completely changed the way I walked. Even after I started finding relief from pain, it took a while for me to realize that by not changing my damaging gait, I was still doing damage. I just wasn't feeling it the way I had been because the cannabis took care of the pain.  I needed to break the entire cycle.

We have joints. They are made to move and swivel. Not using these joints causes inflammation and pain just about as easy as over use does.

My joints weren't moving and I needed to change that.

There's an episode of the old TV show Alice, where Flo instructs Vera she has to "move like the waves in the ocean" in order to put her womanly wiles to use and attract a man. She needed to put some twitch in her step. Move her hips and derriere.

That's literally what I needed to do.

Again, cannabis lent me her hand by helping me to loosen up, both physically and mentally. Accompanied by either Bollywood or Bellydance music, my hips have started moving again. I can feel the fusions on my spine give as my body is able to move in ways it hasn't moved in years.

I can twist.

I can shimmy.

I can bend over and touch my toes.

And when I do, I can feel my joints thanking me for finding them and releasing them from their prison.

I rather doubt when the writers of Alice gave Flo this line, they saw it as anything more than Flo teaching Vera to be sexy, and may not have seen the truth to their words. Perhaps they did, but considering the era, I would be surprised.

Why does "moving like the waves of the ocean" work? Why does it loosen up ligaments and lubrication joints?

Simply because it is natural. We are designed to move like the ocean. We are 60% water. More water than any other matter. We are meant to flow. Not be rigid and stiff.

I have to remind myself when I walk of those words from Flo. They have become my reminder, my mantra.

"Move like the waves in the ocean."

No, it hasn't fully cured me, but it has helped tremendously, and that is far better than what I was.

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