Friday, June 17, 2016

Hello from the Dark Side

Yes it's been months.

I'm such a bad girl.

And because it has been months, I should be able to sit down here at the old keyboard and type about how everything has healed, I'm all better and doing great.

In fact, it has been so long, that today is the one year anniversary of my radiation finish date. One whole year.

Everything should be great.

Problem is, it's not.

I still have 2 holes in my breast and they are now over 8 months old.

I had my PICC line removed finally on St. Patrick's day and was put onto an oral antibiotic instead. I'm still on it. I don't have any sign of infection, but I still haven't healed. It's really damn insane actually. I have to go to the wound clinic every two weeks now so they can check on it and order me silver bandages, but they have no other suggestions either. They tried packing it and I had a reaction to the aquacell so, no more of that. The holes aren't big, but considering they should have been closed over 7 months ago, they are still big enough. The wound clinic did just do an ultrasound on the breast to make sure there wasn't anything in there that shouldn't be, but nothing showed, which is probably a good thing. It still has not been able to have a mammogram done on it.

Since the PICC line is out, I'm also finally in PT. I just did my first 3 months of that and had my first reevaluation a couple of days ago. My passive range has increased quite a bit in some aspects, but my active averaged about 20 degrees improvement over several different motions. Some of those had been in a negative range, so that's good, but I'm literally only about a 4th of the way to "normal".

I'm back at work and that is a good thing. Going to be going through a lot of changes there, but I'm hoping things will all work out for the best. My former store manager left a week before I went back to work, and a new store manager just started there on Monday. While I will still be able to work on events, I'm also going back on the floor. Maybe I'll finally start hitting some decent FitBit step goals.

Harder than dealing with the cancer, and more painful than these holes in my chest, was the passing of my father on March 31st.  I spent the last 5 days of his life with him in the hospital, though he was unconscious for most of it. I couldn't leave his side. Mike brought me food and clothes, but other than quick trips down the hall for a bathroom break or to stretch my legs, I stayed right with him. He passed away in my arms a little after 9:00 that night. He donated his brain and spinal cord to Rush University Memory Project and then was cremated. On June 4th, we held a memorial service and buried his ashes with my biological mother. it's been hard to get used to the fact that he is gone. I'm still taking care of Carol and I know dad wanted to go before her, and for that I'm grateful he got his wish.  I do miss him all the time though. Mom is now in assisted living and will be going through an angioplasty next week to correct a blockage in her right femoral artery.

Mike and I took a much needed vacation. Time away from it all, in my favoritest of favorites....New Orleans. We spent 9 days there, (got some great deals on room, flights and car) and I was finally able to relax a bit.  I did cry most of the way back to the airport and felt like I was leaving home, but I know its not the last time I will be there either.

I did my first 5 K.  Probably my last 5 K as well, but my friend Laura wanted to do a color run, and so we walked it. We only cheated a little, but still I could barely move the next day.

I also signed up to raise money for the Children's Cancer Research Fund by riding my bike in the Great Cycle Challenge.  My goal is to ride 100 miles this month. I have a long ways to go, but my knees are starting to work more so hopefully I can get through this. If you would like to sponsor me, follow the link:

I did get a new writing assignment too, so I have a lot to keep me busy. I'm also going to be a grandma....again. River Regina is due the beginning of August.

There is always so much going on, and for that I'm grateful. I like to keep busy. It helps keep my mind off of things, though it's easy for time to slip right on by. Hopefully I won't wait several more months before updating this again, and hopefully soon I will be able to say I'm all healed and doing great.

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