Saturday, December 19, 2015

Just a quick update

So the quick update on my health status:

Hemoglobin is still too low but getting better.

WBC is down and has been decreasing. Infectious disease doc believes it is from the extremely long use of antibiotics. I’ve been on the rocephrin for about 45 days now, and on one antibiotic or another (several days more than one) for 100 days. I have a minimum of 2 more weeks, but chances are it will be more like another 4 weeks. That would be literally 1/3 of a year on antibiotics. 

The docs can’t figure out why the healing is so slow, it’s healing, just still very slow. The doc did take more culture samples (ooooooh talk about painful!!!!!) to see if they could manage to get any more info.

My primary doctor pretty much drives me nuts, when I get to her office, we wait 2 hours for a few minutes appointment and she just doesn’t seem to have a clue. Doesn’t want me on pain meds for too long (come on lady I did a decade on pain meds or my arthritis, a few months of Norco is nothing). And apparently she doesn’t think having a ruptured boob should hurt that much.  My last blood test from my nurse didn’t match what the docs blood test said so she said the nurse’s was wrong and ordered another one, which showed the nurse’s blood test to be right.

The good news is at the start of all of this my vitamin d level was at 12. Radiation oncologist wanted it up to 40, my acupuncturist wants it at 80. I’m now at 53. So at least that has been improving. 

A lot of other things have been going on though, but that will wait to my next post.

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