Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Sure, you can take my blood, again... I don't need all of it

sooo....Monday they did blood tests, Tuesday they did blood tests, and at today's appointment (which was supposed to be yesterday), guess what doc is putting an order in for? You guessed it! More blood tests!
If not tomorrow than by Friday for sure I need to stop by and get another blood draw.

Because of the inflammation I've been having he's been running a few more tests. My inflammation levels are higher than they should be, and my ANA test was still positive - as it was 14 years ago when I was first diagnosed with Anklyosing Spondalitis. However... according to my doctor the issues I've had (including slightly premature burning and the inflammation)  isn't what they expect from a patient with just Anklyosing Spondalitis, which generally doesn't cause issues with radiation. Therefore he believes there may be some other autoimmune issue going on as well.

Before the whole cancer thing showed up, we knew, and forgot that I am a carrier for Lupus. Since both cancer and radiation can change a persons biological makeup, they are now checking to make sure I haven't switched over from being a carrier to actually having Lupus.

As far as the burning goes, in some areas my skin is turning, well almost black. In some of those places it is now peeling away. While this is normal for radiation treatment, mine is doing it a bit earlier than normally expected. So yeah, that kind of sucks too.

On the positive side, works is going well, and in just over 3 days I will be arriving in Miami. We have a fun several days planned and can't wait to get to see Taylor again!

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