Tuesday, February 17, 2015

A peanut butter sandwich and the New Orleans wrap up

At 1:15 Tuesday morning, I was woke up to someone talking to me next to the bed.

It was Kelli.

Kelli was on antibiotics and by the time she took her last dose, her stomach was empty of food. There are a lot of antibiotics out there that will make a person sick if they are taken on an empty stomach. The type Kelli was on was one of those.

So when I woke up, it was to Kelli asking for help.  I was tired and responding to her took a little longer than it should have, so she asked me several times to help her before I was able to ask what she needed.
When she asked me to make her a peanut butter sandwich I was a little surprised.

Wendy on the other hand wasn’t sure which was more surprising, the fact that Kelli woke me up in the middle of the night to make her a sandwich, or the fact that I got up in my underwear to go make her one.
Of course we plan on messing with Kelli for a long time on this one, but honestly, it was one of our funniest moments on our trip.

I was up at 6 in the morning, showered and got ready for the day. Wendy and Kelli followed me but Lucie was still a bit crashed. We went to Sucre for breakfast and then came back and picked up Lucie.
The desserts and coffee at Sucre are incredible. They are so pretty it’s almost hard to eat them, until you take that first bite, then of course you can’t stop until it’s gone. 

We went back to Lucie’s, picked her up and then headed to Audubon Park to walk the Labyrinth and see the Tree of Life – an incredible huge tree  that also happens to be my most favorite tree in the world. Yes I have a favorite tree.

 While we were hanging out under the tree, I heard an “oooooooph” sound and turned around to see Wendy sitting on the ground covered in leaves and laughing. I immediately imagined she had been sitting on the ground throwing the leaves into the air. I thought she had lost it and asked her what the hell she was doing.
Turns out she wasn’t playing in the leaves. Her knee had given out on her after she hit a tree root and she fell over. It took a whole lot more laughing and some effort on her part, but she did finally get back out. It was just another sign (other than our aching feet and legs) that we had walked way too much the day before.

After the Tree of Life, we went back to Sucre for more yummies, and then to Fleurty Girl where we bought some souvenirs.  Our next stops were some of New Orleans famous cemeteries – Lafayette #1 where many movies and TV shows have been filmed and then off to St. Louis #1 to see the tomb of Marie LeVeau.. A quick stop in the Visitor’s Center led to some more souvenirs, followed by a run to City Park to see the suicide tree.

After City Park we headed to Lake Pontchartrain where we discovered there was a Mardi Gras Fountain. Though it wasn’t actually running, it is surrounded by monuments containing the names of each krewe and the year they were originate along with their logo. It was interesting to see all of the krewes and I would have loved to have been able to see the fountain on. That will be a definite stop the next time around. 

It was time to drop off Lucie, repack our bags to make sure we could fit everything in, and then head back to the airport to drop off the car before our flight. Back at the apartment, Lucie and Kelli went upstairs and when they came back they handed me a bag from CafĂ© du Monde and an envelope with my name on it. It was from Corinne. The day before when we had been out walking around Corinne had told me about the Muses shoe she had caught at the parade 2 years earlier. I was shocked when I read her letter and opened the bag. She had given me her Muses shoe. I couldn’t help but cry. She definitely gave me my best memory of New Orleans and I will forever be grateful for her kindness and her gift. 

Arriving at the airport was sad. I knew I wasn’t going to want to leave and I definitely wished our trip could have been longer. Once the car was returned and we made it through security, we finally decided to sit down and get something to eat. 

There aren’t too many choices at the Louis Armstrong International Airport food wise, but I was finally able to get my etouffee.

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