Sunday, January 18, 2015

Returning to Normal

After getting the news from the doc just over a week ago, I decided to take the week off of work to digest this new information and to get some things taken care of around the house. 

Due to the cancer and a few other issues, Nurturing Necessities has been shut down. I finished closing up shop this past week. While it was a bit sad, I’m left with knowing that we were able to help a lot of people while we were open.

I got legal paperwork for myself taken care of – all those good things like durable power of attorney, my will, final arrangements, all that good stuff.

Our spare bedroom is finally mostly cleaned up, and my book shelves in my closet don’t look like they are about to collapse. I got seeds planted to grow microgreens and sumac to plant in the yard this spring. The water tank has been serviced.

The Mardi Gras decorations are up and the house looks pretty cool. 

My week off was productive.

On Friday after the doctor, I ran some errands and that night, Mike, Wendy and I stopped by the Speakeasy, had a few martinis and then headed to the Tempura house for dinner. Yesterday was more errands and taking care of mom and dad and then a quick trip out to Gurnee Mills to check out the Mirror Maze (thanks to Groupon). Today we headed out to the Nicholas Conservatory (again courtesy Groupon).

The maze was fun, and the conservatory beautiful. Filled with life and the greenhouse was so warm. Even outside wasn’t that bad, but inside it was easy to forget that outside was cold and covered in snow. 

Tomorrow I go back to work. It’s a little weird feeling. It feels like I’ve been gone for a real long time. The people I work with are awesome and I’ve missed them, so I am glad to get back.  

This is going to be a long week getting back into the groove of things but I have wonderful things to look forward to!

1 comment:

  1. That was a very productive and thought filled week. You have taken it upon yourself to make life easier for your family while you are in the process of "taking care of business" with the C. You have always been so caring and thoughtful of others.
    Continuing to sage and send you healing energy.
    love you xooxox
