Monday, January 26, 2015

A week of ups and downs

I was happy about getting back to work. The people I work for, and with are great and they always bring a smile to my face. I truly have fun at work and love being there. The distraction was quite welcome. 

Thursday at work, I got a phone call from the surgeon’s office. Apparently they had been calling my fax machine at home instead of my cell phone to get a hold of me to tell me when my appointment with my oncologist was…turns out it was supposed to be Thursday morning. Friday at the end of the day I got a voice mail saying they got it rescheduled to this Wednesday and said they would call Monday with more information. Of course I didn’t hear from them today, so will be making a call in the morning to find out what is up with that (I have a doctor’s name but no address!)

On Saturday, I went to a special house concert at a friend’s home. I was surprised when I was gifted a beautiful quartz necklace handmade for me (thank you Lisa!).  The music was spiritual and uplifting and made me feel better about things that had been going on. I was a bit down, not only because of the cancer but because a dear friend had come into town and I hadn’t been able to see him yet.  Things were tense and I needed a night out to relax, wind down and recharge.

On Sunday, I was supposed to see said friend, but unfortunately it was out of my control, and our meeting didn’t happen. It was downright crushing to have something I had looked forward to for so long, and that meant so much to me, pulled right out from under me. I particularly wanted to see him before my surgery, because hey - you never know.  Being reminded about things being out of my control isn’t easy for me to deal with, particularly at this point in my life where I am reminded that so much is really out of my control anyway.

This week was also a week of observing the reactions of others. The vast majority of people tend to react to the news “I have cancer” in one of two ways. There are those who first look shocked and then say something to the effect of “You’re strong, you can beat this.”  Which, depending on the day can be a good thing, but if it’s a day when I’m not feeling particularly strong, it really doesn’t help much, instead it reminds me that I’m feeling a bit on the weak side.

The other group gets what I call, “that face”. “That face” is a silent way of saying, “Oh hell you’re screwed”.  It’s a look of pity. Not understanding. Not empathy. Pity. (There are those who can and do show a look of understanding or empathy, but these fall into a smaller category.)

So far all the doctors, nurses and other medical personnel I have spoken with have pretty much told me the same thing. Breast cancer, particularly when it is found this early, very seldom kills people anymore. Well that’s good news, but it often doesn’t seem like that is what other people are thinking. “That look” brings to mind the “bring out your dead” scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I’m not dead yet! Please, don’t look at me like I am. I have cancer, yes. Sometimes it hits me hard and I think, well hell, this really could kill me. It sure has taken its fair share of my family members already. I don’t want to be another one. But when you give me that look, it’s like you have already tossed me on the fire.

Yes, I do plan to be cremated someday, but that day is not today. 

Tomorrow, I’m busy as well.  

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Returning to Normal

After getting the news from the doc just over a week ago, I decided to take the week off of work to digest this new information and to get some things taken care of around the house. 

Due to the cancer and a few other issues, Nurturing Necessities has been shut down. I finished closing up shop this past week. While it was a bit sad, I’m left with knowing that we were able to help a lot of people while we were open.

I got legal paperwork for myself taken care of – all those good things like durable power of attorney, my will, final arrangements, all that good stuff.

Our spare bedroom is finally mostly cleaned up, and my book shelves in my closet don’t look like they are about to collapse. I got seeds planted to grow microgreens and sumac to plant in the yard this spring. The water tank has been serviced.

The Mardi Gras decorations are up and the house looks pretty cool. 

My week off was productive.

On Friday after the doctor, I ran some errands and that night, Mike, Wendy and I stopped by the Speakeasy, had a few martinis and then headed to the Tempura house for dinner. Yesterday was more errands and taking care of mom and dad and then a quick trip out to Gurnee Mills to check out the Mirror Maze (thanks to Groupon). Today we headed out to the Nicholas Conservatory (again courtesy Groupon).

The maze was fun, and the conservatory beautiful. Filled with life and the greenhouse was so warm. Even outside wasn’t that bad, but inside it was easy to forget that outside was cold and covered in snow. 

Tomorrow I go back to work. It’s a little weird feeling. It feels like I’ve been gone for a real long time. The people I work with are awesome and I’ve missed them, so I am glad to get back.  

This is going to be a long week getting back into the groove of things but I have wonderful things to look forward to!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Met with the surgeon - January 16th update

February 19th I have a lumpectomy scheduled. There is a whole lot of crap that goes along with that, like being injected with radioactive material and the use of Geiger counters plus the installation of some wires to act like safety cones so the surgeon knows where to go, but other than that, surgery should be smooth sailing.  

There are two areas right next to each other that are cancerous. One is an actual tumor (the invasive one/grade 2) the other is a clustered area that is still in duct and more of a pre-cancer. Both are obviously coming out along with a few lymph nodes to test. 

This will be followed up with radiation 5 times a week for 3-6 weeks depending on which protocol we go with.

So far things look good for hormone therapy. When they test the nodes that will give us a better idea on chemo or not, keeping fingers crossed that they are clear. 

I will be going through genetic testing as well to see if some preventive measures should be taken for a reoccurrence (think Angelina Jolie), but doubt I would do anything that drastic unless it comes back again.

So lots of good news today though I’m pretty sure the Doctor thinks Wendy and I are nuts….