Thursday, August 20, 2015

It's not over til the fat lady sings...

It’s been 2 months since I last updated. I bet you all thought this was already over and done with, right? 

Nope. Of course not. 

I finished my radiation, started my meds and had my bone density scan done. 

I am already osteopenic, which sucks because my new meds cause osteoporosis in “normal” people. Once the insurance company gets around to approving it, I will have to get a shot every  6 months for the next 2 years to try to help that and of course I have to up my calcium intake massively. 

My last check-up with my surgeon we discussed the fact that my arm doesn’t like to work right anymore and he is sending me for PT.  After 3 weeks so far there hasn’t been a whole lot of change, but last night I did wake up with it hurting terribly. There hadn’t been much feeling in it at all before, so I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not. I was approved for 6 weeks of PT which will take me right up to my next surgery.

Yup another one. No cancer, just trying to even things out a bit and eliminate some very painful scar tissue. So. Yeah. Bilateral breast reduction. The ok from the insurance came in yesterday. To get this surgery done is going to take a heck of a lot more running around than the last one did that’s for sure. A total of 5 doc appointments first, I have 3 done so far 2 to go. Lot more actual recovery time as well. If you want to get freaked out, go to youtube and search “Breast reduction surgery”. I kind of wish I hadn’t, but at the same time, glad I know what to expect afterwards. NOT gonna be a happy camper when the drugs wear off…
Next Tuesday I also have my mammogram on the breast that thought it would try to kill me…. So that’s not going to be a ton of fun either. 

Then a week after that it’s back to my oncologist. I wasn’t prepared for how many doc appointments I would have AFTER the cancer is gone (knock on wood). It’s a lot with constant check ups to see how things are going. I hate my new meds because the hot flashes are back, and with a vengeance. Now they are every day. Several times a day. Not how I want to spend the next 5 years of my life as my bones also grow thinner and more brittle. Kind of sucks. Especially when there is no guarantee these meds will keep anymore cancer at bay. Just have to hope they do.

I’m also taking advantage of some of those cancer “perks”. Mike and I joined Healthbridge and I bought a fitbit. We’ve been there just over a month and I’m down 10 pounds. I have a long ways to go, but I do plan on getting there.

Guess that’s about all the important stuff for now. Take care everyone, and thanks for reading. I will keep this going because I know this journey is far from over.