Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The light at the end of the tunnel

Lots to get caught up on.

Right before I left for vacation, the doc did a bunch more blood tests to see if he could find out what is going on with my immune system. Basically what he knows is my ANA is positive and my SED rate is high. Everything else came up negative. So as he put it, I have an unclassified immune disorder. Nice. They have no clue what it is. Yippee.

Vacation was great. Got to see Kelly in Naples and spent quite a bit of time with Taylor, including fishing in the Atlantic. I did get in the ocean for a little bit, and yes I wore a full sleeve cover up along with my 100 spf sunblock. When we went out fishing, between the heat and the rocking of the boat, I did get sick and crashed for a while but I did manage to get back up and catch a few more fish.

Once we got back home I was wiped out. We did the drive in on Saturday night but I slept most of Saturday and Sunday. Monday had me back at work and I spent a lot of time sleeping last week as well.

This week is a little more settled. Still tired -- radiation really sucks the energy right out of me. Yesterday they started me on my final week of radiation, I now lay on my side and have only the area of my scar radiated for somewhere around 15 seconds. I now have 5 days left of that. The day after I finish I see the medical oncologist.  At the end of the month I get a mammogram and then beginning of next month I get to go see the plastic surgeon to see what he has to say about getting myself evened out again, (Provided everything is fine with the mammogram!)  In 6 months I get another mammogram and as long as that is ok then I'm back on to annual mammograms.

Keeping my fingers crossed that pretty soon this will all be over!